Shower Door Cleaning and Hard Water Stain Removal
Everyone who has a shower has experienced the unsightly build-up that comes from the water stains and soap scum that is left behind following each shower.
Over time, hard water stains accumulate on your shower doors and can cause damage to the shower door glass.
More importantly, all you really need to know is who to call. That call should be made to the hard water stain removal experts at Brite and Clean Windows®.
After we have removed the hard water stain accumulation, we can apply a low-maintenance coating.
Some people think that they must squeegee off their shower door glass after each and every shower in order to prevent hard water stains from appearing. These people have probably never heard of, let alone used, the patented protective technology called Diamon-Fusion®.
Patented in 2001, the Diamon-Fusion® technology helps reduce cleaning time and effort and also reduces or practically eliminates the use of daily shower chemicals.
All you need is just a simple wipe and go for any of the tiny remaining drops that might not have run down the glass during the shower.
No chemicals.
No squeegee.
No mess.
No kidding.